Asset Investigations

Standard Asset Investigation - One Individual $1,575

Requires full legal name and social security number or we will charge additional fees to develop this identification. A current residence address is not required but could help in choosing local banks for the search so a locate investigation should be considered. 

In one state we will probe for real property ownership and real property sold, lost or transferred in the last three years.  We will identify employment or primary business interest.  Conduct a standard bank search, identify corporate records, business names, uniform commercial code filings, judgments, liens, bankruptcies, foreclosures, evictions and relevant professional licensing. One first name alias can be included in the main research. Each additional first name alias is $200. Each additional surname alias will require an added fee of $450.  Or you can just add the second surname to the real property search portion of this investigation for $225.  A second state for the asset search can be added for a fee of $1100.

We reserve the right to limit results on common names. If a search results hundreds of records then we may limit results to county-wide or city-wide parameters.  Some of our databases refuse to provide any information when results reach a thousand records or more.  Usually, we will provide as thorough a search as possible within the budget and include a fee estimate in the report of the costs to obtain and review large database results.

We also include a preliminary database  vehicle ownership in many states.  Some states such as California are conducted directly with DMV and are limited to two name/address search combinations.  Additional name/address combinations in California are available for $75 each in California.

Asset Investigation results that are prioritized in 4 business days costs an extra $500 plus $350 for the second state probed, if one was ordered.  We cannot guarantee all portions of an investigation can be finished on a rush basis.  Certain financial targets, municipal agencies and courts will delay results.  Some information may arrive a day or two later via a supplementary memo.

Standard Asset Investigation - One Business Entity $1,650

Requires full legal name and federal employment identification number or we will charge additional fees to develop that information. A current address is not required but could help in choosing local banks for the search. 

In one state we will probe for real property ownership and real property sold, lost or transferred in the last three years. We will identify primary business operations. We will conduct a standard bank search, search for corporate records, business names, uniform commercial code filings, judgments, liens, bankruptcies, foreclosures, evictions and relevant professional licensing. Each additional tradestyle included in the research will add $500 to the fee. A second state can be added for the asset search for a fee of $1200.

We also include preliminary commercial database vehicle ownership in many states. Some states such as California are conducted directly through DMV but are limited to two name/address search combinations. Each additional name/address combination costs $75 each in California.

Asset Investigation results that are prioritized in 4 business days costs an extra $550 plus $375 for the second state probed, if one was ordered. We cannot guarantee that all inquiries will be finished on a rush basis.  Certain financial targets, municipal agencies and courthouses will delay results. Some information may arrive a day or two later via a supplementary memo. If is necessary to develop the FEIN that will delay results another business day.

Nationwide Asset Investigation - One Individual $3100

Requires full legal name and social security number or we will charge additional fees to develop that information. A current residence address is not required but definitely helps in choosing local and regional banks for the search.  We will search nationwide for real property, employment or primary business interest, corporate records, business names, uniform commercial code filings, judgments, liens, bankruptcies, foreclosures, evictions and relevant professional licensing. In some states we provide a preliminary commercial database vehicle ownership search.

We reserve the right to limit results on common names.  The nationwide effort is not a full search of public records in each and every state.  We analyze the address history of the target and primarily focus on the most active and recent states.  We probe individual state and county agency public records and supplement those results with commercial national database searches.

This effort includes our Nationwide Bank Search parameters. We focus on developing approximate balances and if required for levy, branch addresses.  This Nationwide Asset includes an additional first name alias. Each additional first name alias is $350. Each additional surname alias is $1100 each. A 7 business day priority turnaround will cost $600. Not all inquiries may be completed by the rush deadline. Certain financial institutions, municipal agencies and county courts will delay results.  Some information may arrive a couple of days later or longer via a supplementary memo.


Business Customers Probe - One business entity $1250

Requires full legal name and current business address or we will charge additional fees to develop this information.  We research public records and conduct discrete inquiries to try and identify three to five of the largest customers for the target. The usual turnaround is 12 to 16 business days.  6 business day priority turnaround will cost an extra $500.


Nationwide Asset Investigation - One Business Entity $3400

Requires full legal name and federal employment identification number or we will charge additional fees to develop this information. We will search nationwide for real property and identify primary business operations.  We will identify corporate records, business names, uniform commercial code filings, judgments, liens, bankruptcies, foreclosures, evictions and relevant professional licensing. In some states we provide preliminary commercial database vehicle ownership searches.

The nationwide effort is not a full search of public records in each and every state. We analyze the business addresses and filings for the target and then primarily focus on the most active and recent states.  We probe individual state and county agency public records and supplement those results with commercial national database searches.

This asset includes our Nationwide Bank Search parameters. We focus on developing approximate balances and if required for levy, branch addresses.   Each additional tradestyle can be included with an added fee of $1200. The tradestyle should be an assumed name with a history of public filings and is usually not a separate legal entity. A 7 business day priority turnaround will add $750.  Not all inquiries may be completed by the rush deadline.  Certain financial institutions, municipal agencies and county courts will delay results. Some information may arrive a couple days later or longer via a supplementary memo. If it is necessary to develop the FEIN that will delay results another day.


Business Accounts Receivables Probe - One Business Entity $2500

Requires full legal name and current business address or we will charge additional fees to develop this information.  We research public records and conduct discrete inquiries to try and identify three to five of the largest customers.  We then work to determine the current monies owed to the target firm. Normal turnaround time is 17 to 23 business days. Nine business day priority turnaround with an added fee of $1000.


Business Customers Probe - Field Surveillance $2250

The two business customer probes above consist of public record research efforts followed by discrete telephone inquiries.  The investigation can be significantly enhanced with two partial days of field surveillance.


Discount Asset Investigation - One Individual $725

Requires a full legal name and social security number.  In one state we will probe for real property, corporate records, business names, uniform commercial code filings, judgments, liens, foreclosures, bankruptcies and relevant professional licensing.  We also include a preliminary superior civil court search in one county. Can include one first name alias.  An additional surname alias will require an added fee of $300.  4 business day priority turnaround for a fee of $200.  This search does not include employment, banking or vehicles.


Discount Asset Search - One Business Entity $800

Requires a full legal name and current or recent business address.  In one state we will probe for real property, corporate records, business names, uniform commercial code filings, judgments, liens, foreclosures, bankruptcies and relevant professional licensing.  We also conduct a preliminary superior civil court search in one county. One tradestyle name can be included with an added fee of $350. 4 business day priority turnaround for a fee of $200.  This search does not include business operations, banking or vehicles.


Background Investigation $850

This background investigation involves the research of civil court indices and criminal courts in one county. We add one federal district court for civil court filings.  We also search for corporate filings, uniform commercial code filings, business names, judgments, liens, bankruptcies and professional licensing.  We provide some information on identification, immediate relatives and address history.  We conduct a preliminary search of the Internet for relevant data on the target.  Add a statewide real property search for $225.

Important - Asset Investigation Parameters

All investigation fees are non-contingent on positive results.  Normal turnaround is now 9 to 12 business days due to the Pandemic.

We provide a flat-rate fee schedule to maintain a low-cost structure for clients.  To comply with these fees, we limit most database search categories to 10 to 15 years of data.  We try to obtain initial research results from county and state agencies and supplement the information with commercial database sources. These searches allow us to access numerous categories of information in a cost-effective way.  In addition, the database companies have compiled the information to aid in locating relevant results.  One example is how the California Secretary of State can provide excellent details on corporate filings online but you must provide the name of the business entity.  There is no capability to request all corporations in California under the name of "John Doe" via the Secretary of State office. However, commercial database aggregators have downloaded the files and created name fields to search by president or registered agent name.  This gives us the ability to mine relevant filings for each case.  The downside is that glitches in software or mistakes in data management can create some inaccurate results. We cannot guarantee that our efforts will develop positive results in your matter.  However, we work very hard to try and identify relevant information and cases with negative results always require more effort on our part to make sure we are not missing significant data.

We reserve the right to limit research results when a very common name is the target.  Some of our databases will not provide hundreds and hundreds of results in one state.  Searches sometimes have to be limited by county or even city.  We strive to provide all known business affiliations and real property holdings within a targeted state.  But if we are retrieving a voluminous amount of  public records under the subject's name then we will not have the budgetary resources to supplement those results with additional database and Internet research to identify those filings that actually involve the target. These fees are fixed to provide clients with a limit on costs.  If too many records are found then a report with as much relevant data will be supplied within the budgetary limits of the assignment.  It will include an estimate of fees to continue retrieving all the relevant research.

Our definition of "primary bank affiliation" is the first banking organization where we develop deposit accounts. Our definition of "secondary bank affiliation" is the second financial organization where we develop deposit accounts. There is no way to predict where a target will maintain the most valuable deposit accounts and we do not guarantee our search will identify that relationship. However, in the vast majority of cases deposit accounts found at two different financial organizations usually include the most valuable deposit accounts. Most targets do not maintain deposit accounts with three or more banking organizations. If one is interested in searching and obtaining details on deposits at more than two banking organizations we can price the investigation for that purpose.

Standard Financial Searches are structured to identify up to two active banking affiliations.  It costs much less to probe an institution and find negative results than to develop active bank deposit accounts.  The cost in developing the account title, approximate balance, and branch address to effect a levy consumes much of the budget.  As bank deposit accounts are found fewer institutions are searched.  If the client is already aware of two banking affiliations and they are still active, then probing those two banks will consume the bulk of the budget.  One can either increase the budget so additional banks can be searched or bypass the two known banks so the original budget can focus on new banking affiliations.

Trusts require a separate budget.  If we are already searching under the individual's SSN and the trust uses the same SSN as the primary tax identifier, we can add the trust for an additional 50% fee.  One can try searching both under the individual's name and the trust name for one fee when they are using the same SSN as a tax identifier.  But we do not guarantee the results will be as comprehensive as when a separate budget is provided. If the trust is using a FEIN than a separate budget is required to search that entity.

When the husband and wife are ordered simultaneously you will receive a 10% discount on each fee and the results will be provided in one report.  Spouses have to be using the same surname and primary residence address to qualify.  Our asset investigations do not include skiptracing. Choose a state to focus the investigation. If you need a confirmed address then add the appropriate Locate Investigation. It will be discounted 20% when combined with a Banking/Employment/Asset Investigation.  The discounted locate fee cannot receive an additional 10% spousal discount.

All financial searches require a full legal name and social security number (SSN) or federal employment identification number (FEIN).  If you do not have the SSN the fee is $50 if you can provide the current or previous residence address and full name, otherwise, the fee is higher depending on the information you can provide this office.  If you do not have the FEIN the fee is $300 to $600 depending on the type of legal entity and the original domicile state of registration.