Public Records.

Our decades of experience can provide you with relevant results via research that is analyzed to focus on transactions that involve your target.  We examine identification and address history to identify those records to help your case.  In some categories, a basic name search is an option but there are limits to the number of records retrieved in some categories.  Very common names will not qualify to be searched by name alone.

Social Security Number $50 to $200

Requires full name and current or previous residence address. Otherwise the fee is $100 to $200 depending on the data that you can supply us. The fee to develop a full legal name is $50 provided you have the appropriate address.  The fee to develop address data is $50 to $100.

Federal Employment Identification Number $300 to $600

Requires full legal business name and current or previous address or we will charge additional fees to develop that information.  If the business entity is domiciled in certain states the fee will be higher.  If the business registered in the State of Delaware the fee is $550.  If it is registered in Nevada the fee is $350. In California the fee is $300. Other states such as Wyoming that specialize in "Shelf" corporations will cost $450.  We cannot guarantee successful results in obtaining the FEIN.  However, if this tax identification number can be developed via publicly available state or federal public filings, then the fee is only $150.  The above prices are for ancillary searches involving other financial or asset investigations.  Prices are higher for stand-alone FEIN searches.


Date of Birth $50 to $150

Requires full name and residence address OR full name and social security number.  Otherwise the fee is $100 to $150. If this search is not complementing a concurrent financial investigation then the minimum fee is $100

Real Property - One County $125

Statewide $275

Requires full name of target and a recent residence address or social security number.  We search under an individual's name or under the business name for real property in one county or statewide.  These are analyzed database searches that focus on property currently vested to the target name.  This may include listings of properties sold, lost or transferred in the last couple of years.  Printouts usually list date of acquisition, seller name, mailing address, parcel description, some mortgage loan information. Results may include copies of the grant deed and supplementary commercial databases printouts.

Corporations Search $150 - $200 Statewide

Requires full name of target and recent address. We search for corporations, limited liability companies and limited partnerships under an individual's name or business name in one state.  A Nationwide search costs $450.  These are analyzed database searches that may be enhanced with online information from relevant Secretary of State offices. If available, digital images of annual filings or formation documents can be obtained at an additional cost $10 to $25 each. 

We reserve the right to limit results on common names.  The nationwide effort is not a full search of each and every state.  It is general database search supplemented with additional state agency record searches.  Some states provide little or no information on officers in corporate records to the public.  If the name is too common, then we will require an identification search to obtain an address history and use that profile to aid in the search.  The bulk of the efforts are focused on those states where the target has a history of activity.

Retrieval of hard copies of articles of incorporation, articles of organization, statement of officers, etc. will be priced depending on the state involved, whether or not the copies are certified and if rush turnaround is requested.

UCC's $150 - $200 Statewide

Requires full name of target and recent residence address or social security number.  For a business target a recent business address is required.  We search for uniform commercial code filings under an individual's name or under a business name in one state.  A Nationwide search costs $450.  These are analyzed database searches that may be enhanced with online information from relevant Secretary of State offices. If available, digital images of individual UCC filings can be obtained at an additional cost $20 to $25 each.

We reserve the right to limit results on common names.  The nationwide effort is not a full search of each and every state.  It is a general database search supplemented with additional state agency record searches.  If the name is too common, then we will require an identification search to obtain an address history and date of birth to aid in identifying relevant records.  The bulk of our efforts are focused in those states where the target has a history of activity.

County Fictitious Business Names $125 - $200

Requires full name of the target.  This is a 10 year search in one county.  We try to develop the owner, business name, file date, and address of record. identification on the parties or address data. May include digital copies of the filings.


County Civil Litigation-Seven years $125; ten years $150; fifteen to twenty years $200; twenty-five to thirty years $350

Requires full name of target. These are by default basic "name only" searches as court indices do not usually provide identification on the parties or address data. We search superior civil court (or upper court equivalent) indices for actions under under an individual's name or under a business name.  We usually provide the case number, names of parties, date of action and type of case. Online courthouse information usually includes a docket list or actions and sometimes a list of documents in the file. The best confirmed results on civil litigation is on-site review of cases to confirm the matter involves your specific target. Prices are determined for on-site research depending on the jurisdiction and age of the court case. 

Federal Litigation $100

Court indices do not usually provide identification on the party involved, except in the case of bankruptcy filings where the social security number or fein can be used to filter results.  We search one federal judicial district civil court indices for actions under an individual's name or under a business target name.  This search covers 10 years and usually provides the case number, names of parties, date of action and type of case.  This is an online federal court search.  We can usually obtain further printouts of civil or criminal case history for an extra fee. In Bankruptcy records we can usually obtain digital images of primary document filings with a budget of $125 to $250 per case.

State Business Tax Revenue $150 - $200

Available in select states.  Requires full name of the individual and recent residence address or social security number.  To search under a business we need full name and recent address. If the above information is not provided, then additional fees are charged to develop that data prior to research.

Professional Licensing $150 - $250

Requires full name of individual and recent residence address or social security number.  To research a business we need the full name and recent address.  We search for multiple licensing categories in one state if available.  In some jurisdictions searches are conducted agency by agency in those professions that are relevant.

Department of Motor Vehicles $45 - $100

This is usually available only as part of a larger investigation or for established clients.  Not available in all states and there are significant search limitations in some jurisdictions due to privacy restrictions. Vehicle Registration is $45 to $65 each.  Vehicle ownership searches are $55 to $75 per name.  Vehicle ownership history and document images cost extra and can take six to eight weeks for retrieval.

Evictions $85 statewide

Requires individual's full name and recent residence address or social security number.  If researching a business we need full name and recent address.  Add a second surname for $75.

Bankruptcies $100

It requires the full name of the individual or business entity.  Positive results will include information on the parties, case disposition and list of actions.  Digital copies of bankruptcy filings will cost $250 to $500 or we can charge less to focus on the primary documents only.

Foreclosures $125 statewide

Requires a statewide real property search first, otherwise, most filings may involve the wrong target. 

Liens $125 Statewide

Requires full name of the target and a social security number or residence address.  Add a second surname for $75.

Judgments $125 Statewide

Requires full name of the target and a social security number or residence address.  Add a second surname for $75.

Address History $50 to $100

Requires the individual's full name and social security number (SSN) or recent residence address.  If this search is not complementing a concurrent financial investigation then the fee is $75.  If you do not have the SSN or residence address then the fee is $100 to $150.

Public Records are obtained via online access to commercial databases or state and county databases.  We choose which source will provide the best results.  Sometimes both types of sources are accessed. Searches conducted onsite at the individual county, state and federal agencies will cost more.